世代大不同 #提升职场沟通力打造人际影响力
世代大不同 #提升职场沟通力打造人际影响力
世代大不同 #提升职场沟通力打造人际影响力
昨日的教育训练课程真是既幽默又充实!大家不仅在轻松愉快的氛围中学习到 #沟通技巧,更透过 #DISC 人格特质测验,深入了解自己和同仁间的个性特质。
这次活动让我们在欢笑中 #更了解彼此,未来的合作也能更加顺畅和默契十足。感谢讲师的精彩分享,也感谢同仁们的热情参与!期待将这些所学应用到实际工作中,让我们更加坚强有力!
昨日的教育训练课程真是既幽默又充实!大家不仅在轻松愉快的氛围中学习到 #沟通技巧,更透过 #DISC 人格特质测验,深入了解自己和同仁间的个性特质。
这次活动让我们在欢笑中 #更了解彼此,未来的合作也能更加顺畅和默契十足。感谢讲师的精彩分享,也感谢同仁们的热情参与!期待将这些所学应用到实际工作中,让我们更加坚强有力!
Communication & DISC Course
Staff training was both fun and insightful! We not only learned valuable communication skills in a relaxed atmosphere, but also gained a deeper understanding of ourselves and our colleagues through the DISC test.
This experience brought us closer together, promising smoother and more cohesive teamwork in the future . Thanks to our instructor for the great insights and to everyone for their enthusiastic participation! Looking forward to applying these lessons to strengthen our team even more!
Website: http://www.accutex.com.tw/chs/cht/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@accutex8322
Linked: www.linkedin.com/in/accutex/