
AccuteX 徕通科技线切割机Wire Cut EDM|工厂参访

AccuteX 徕通科技线切割机Wire Cut EDM|工厂参访


⚡AccuteX 徕通科技线切割机Wire Cut EDM|工厂参访

我们非常荣幸迎来了 中华民国国际工商经营研究社 联合会 IMC的贵宾们来到徕通,进行了一场参访活动。此次参访,不仅让大家对于 #线切割放电加工机 的产业应用及原理有了深入的了解,更是在我们的形象展示间,亲眼见证我们精密加工零件的品质✨。

在工厂的实体线切割机介绍中,我们详细说明了相关机台的制程与操作方法,并在 #精实道场 进行了深入的交流。活动过程中非常感谢贵宾们热情踊跃提问,大家的学习氛围浓厚。

此次参访不仅是一次知识的交流,更是一次充满收获的学习之旅。感谢 #IMC 的莅临,也期待未来有更多的机会,让我们共同探讨、学习与成长!
IMC Visits Accutex | Precision Machining Tour⚡

We were honored to welcome #IMC to #Accutex for a tour????. This visit provided valuable insights into the applications and principles of wire cut #EDM, while also showcasing the exceptional quality of our precision-machined components in our display room✨.

During the factory tour, we gave a detailed explanation of the wire cut machines, including their processes and operations, followed by an in-depth discussion. The guests were actively engaged, asking thoughtful questions and contributing to a rich learning environment☺️.

This visit was not just an exchange of knowledge but a rewarding learning experience. We thank IMC for their visit and look forward to more opportunities for collaboration, learning, and growth in the future????!