



???? 機械產業智慧應用創新情境工作坊

感謝 台灣設計研究院 TDRIPMC 精機中心 的協助,透過 #機械產業智慧應用創新情境工作坊,有機會釐清線切割機的需求,並深入探討 AI、XR、數位孿生、機器學習等新興科技的應用機會????
我們期待在工作坊結束後,能夠將討論成果應用到徠通的研發、售服與行銷領域,在 AI 或 XR 的應用上找到全新的突破口,帶領徠通進一步創新????

???? Innovative Workshop on Smart Applications in the Machinery Industry
Thanks to #TDRI and #PMC Precision Machinery Center for their support during this insightful workshop. We had the chance to clarify the needs for wire-cut #EDM machines and explore the potential of emerging technologies like AI, XR, digital twins, and machine learning.????

This was a truly inspiring experience, where experts and industry professionals came together to use design thinking to identify problems and co-create solutions. The brainstorming sessions were absolutely brilliant!????
We’re excited to apply the workshop’s insights to #Accutex’s RD, service, and marketing sectors. We aim to find new breakthroughs in AI and XR applications, driving further innovation at Accutex! ????