
AccuteX 徠通科技線切割機Wire Cut EDM|工廠參訪

AccuteX 徠通科技線切割機Wire Cut EDM|工廠參訪


我們非常榮幸迎來了 中華民國國際工商經營研究社 聯合會 IMC的貴賓們來到徠通,進行了一場參訪活動????。此次參訪,不僅讓大家對於 #線切割放電加工機 的產業應用及原理有了深入的了解,更是在我們的形象展示間,親眼見證我們精密加工零件的品質✨

在工廠的實體線切割機介紹中,我們詳細說明了相關機台的製程與操作方法,並在 #精實道場 進行了深入的交流。活動過程中非常感謝貴賓們熱情踴躍提問,大家的學習氛圍濃厚☺️

此次參訪不僅是一次知識的交流,更是一次充滿收穫的學習之旅。感謝 #IMC 的蒞臨,也期待未來有更多的機會,讓我們共同探討、學習與成長????

IMC Visits Accutex | Precision Machining Tour⚡

We were honored to welcome #IMC to #Accutex for a tour????. This visit provided valuable insights into the applications and principles of wire cut #EDM, while also showcasing the exceptional quality of our precision-machined components in our display room✨.

During the factory tour, we gave a detailed explanation of the wire cut machines, including their processes and operations, followed by an in-depth discussion. The guests were actively engaged, asking thoughtful questions and contributing to a rich learning environment☺️.

This visit was not just an exchange of knowledge but a rewarding learning experience. We thank IMC for their visit and look forward to more opportunities for collaboration, learning, and growth in the future????!