
徠通員工旅遊 2024|10/21 - 10/25

徠通員工旅遊 2024|10/21 - 10/25



我們探索韓國的海濱城市 #釜山,感受釜山的文化與美食!從繁華的海雲台到歷史悠久的甘川文化村,每一處都讓人流連忘返。無論是漫步於海灘,還是品嚐美味的韓式小吃,釜山讓我們留下深刻的回憶。

在台灣最南端 #墾丁,享受無盡的陽光、沙灘與碧海!漫步於白沙灣,熱帶風情讓人身心放鬆。來到國境之南,放下煩憂,徜徉於海洋的懷抱,體驗台灣的南國風光。

享受在這一週屬於我們徠通同仁及同仁眷屬的 #徠通員工旅遊

✈️ Accutex #EmployeeTrip 2024|10/21 - 10/25

Thanks to Accutex and the welfare committee for organizing this relaxing trip for us to recharge!

In Busan, Korea, we explored this lively coastal city, from Haeundae Beach to Gamcheon Culture Village. The beautiful views and delicious Korean street food gave us unforgettable memories.

In Kenting, Taiwan, we enjoyed endless sunshine, beaches, and the tropical vibe at Taiwan's southern tip, feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

This AccutexGoldenWeek was a great chance to celebrate our hard work, connect with colleagues and family, and create lasting memories together!

#Accutex #徠通員工旅遊