New generation of AWT
New generation of AWT
New generation of AWT|全新自動穿線功能
Inherit the features of high reliability and easy maintenance of the AccuteX AWT function,
the new generation has improved the straightening and wire cutting mechanism (patent pending),
and equipped with a new type of straightening, annealing, and cutting power supply.
This enables the wire to have better straightness and wire end quality, and achieve a higher success
rate in threading through high thickness workpieces. The new mechanism is suitable for wire diameters
from 0.1mm to 0.3mm(*).
the new generation has improved the straightening and wire cutting mechanism (patent pending),
and equipped with a new type of straightening, annealing, and cutting power supply.
This enables the wire to have better straightness and wire end quality, and achieve a higher success
rate in threading through high thickness workpieces. The new mechanism is suitable for wire diameters
from 0.1mm to 0.3mm(*).
新一代功能改良拉直與剪線機構 (專利申請中)